Lies My Teacher Told Me
Wilfred Reilly on misleading claims that have made their way into the American educational system.
Before we talk about our latest podcast episode, we hope you didn’t miss the latest research from the Connors Institute on the gender pay gap.
Check it out now! Now for this episode. . .
We talk quite a bit on the Utterly Moderate Podcast about some of the things that many liberal and conservative Americans believe that just ain’t so.
In fact, we just released a free online documentary about this titled The Poisoning of the American Mind (watch it now below if you haven’t already!)
On this episode of the Utterly Moderate Podcast we are joined by Wilfred Reilly, political scientist at Kentucky State University, to talk about misleading claims that have made their way into educational curricula in the U.S.
Friend of the show Jacob Mackey joins the conversation as a special guest cohost.
Our guest, Dr. Reilly, is the author of several books, two of which are particularly informative in this discussion:
Taboo: 10 Facts You Can't Talk About (2020), which addresses such things as:
The fact that, contrary to many current claims, men and women are different.
There is no epidemic of police murdering unarmed Black Americans.
“Pay gaps" between big groups, when several important variables are controlled for, are very small.
Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me: Debunking the False Narratives Defining America’s School Curricula (June 2024—preorder now!), which includes the following chapters:
Lie #1: “Brutal ‘True’ Slavery Was Virtually Unique to America and the West”
Lie #2: “The ‘Red Scare’ Was a Moral Panic That Caught No Commies”
Lie #3: “Native Americans Were ‘Peaceful People Who Spent All Day Dancing’”
Lie #4: “Hippies Were the Good Guys, the Sexual Revolution Was Great for Women, and the Vietnam War Was Unpopular and Pointless”
Lie #5: “The Founders Counted Slaves as Three-Fifths of a Person and the Only Victims of Lynchings Were Black”
Lie #6: “European Colonialism Was—Empirically—a No-Good, Terrible, Very Bad Thing”
Lie #7: “American Use of Nukes to End World War Two Was ‘Evil’ and ‘Unjustified’”
Lie #8: “Unprovoked ‘White Flight,’ Caused by Pure Racism, Ruined America’s Cities”
Lie #9: “‘Southern Strategy’ Racism Turned the Solid South Republican”
#10 Bonus Lie: The Continuing Oppression Narrative
Enjoy the conversation!